All posts by admin

WelComm at the “Languages for work and social integration” conference

The WelComm project was presented at a good practice exhibition within the framework of the transnational conference “Languages for work and social integration”. The event was held on October 20th, 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania and attended by policy makers in the field of language education, governmental authorities, educational organisations, language teachers working with children and adults, organisations involved in European cooperation projects from over 15 countries

The WelComm Multimedia Learning Kit as an innovative practice in language education in Sofia, Bulgaria

The WelComm project was presented as a good practice at an exploitation seminar dealing with social inclusion through language education which took place in Sofia, Bulgaria on October 14th, 2016. The event was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Education, educational institutions, schools, universities, language teachers working with children and adults, etc.
The Multimedia Learning Kit was presented and it generated a huge interest from the participants. Follow-up meetings were organised with interested organizations and copies of the Kit were provided to schools and educators working with migrant children.

Exploitation seminars

All partners organised exploitation seminars in their countries to present the project products and results and further expand the dissemination channels. The seminars were run for migrant communities, organisations working for migrants, educational institutions, NGOs and organisations dealing with integration issues, teachers, trainers, migrants, cultural organisations, policy-makers, etc. Issues as the importance of learning the language for migrant children in order to create equal start in education as well as the importance of education for social inclusion among migrant parents were discussed during the seminars.

The Netherlands




Training workshops

In April and May 2016 the project partners held training workshops to introduce the project outcomes to the target groups, using some training methods and techniques. Through practical sessions all the products were tested regarding contents, format and usability. During the workshops each partner collected feedback from the participants using specially developed questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, impressions, etc.

The participants were also asked to send their impressions of the materials after having used them when teaching children. The respondents reacted rather enthusiastic, most of them evaluated the materials as very useful and well designed.





The Netherlands


WelComm final conference

The WelComm final conference took place on June 9th, 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria. During the conference the project products and methods were presented and the participants held discussions on current issues regarding the integration of migrants and their educational needs. The event was also used for exchange of experience and good practices for migrant integration through language skills both from Bulgaria and the partner countries.

Representatives from the focus groups were invited and shared their experience and impressions from the project. In addition, representatives from all major organisations working for the integration of migrants in Bulgaria took part in the event. Key speakers from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Bulgarian Red Cross, the State Agency for Refugees with the Council of Ministers and the Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria presented their activities and policy on integration and language training of migrants.