Category Archives: News&Events

Partner meeting in Valencia, Spain

The fourth partner meeting took place in Valencia, Spain on 17th and 18th of March 2016. The Multimedia Learning Kit and the Guidelines for using it were presented and discussed. The partners also agreed on the scenario’s for holding the training workshops, the exploitation seminars and the final conference in Sofia, Bulgaria.

They also discussed further mechanisms for spreading of the Multimedia Learning Kit for Migrant Children and reach as many end-users as possible. During the social program the partners had the pleasure to be invited by the vice mayor of Valencia and celebrated the traditional festivities Las Fallas.

Fourth partner meeting in Valencia, Spain 17-18 March 2016

The next work meeting will take place in Valencia and will be focussed on the organization of the training workshops in partner countries in order to demonstrate the practical application of the products within a language learning environment. The partners will discuss and agree on further mechanisms for spreading of the Multimedia Learning Kit for Migrant Children and reach as many end-users as possible. They will also think about how to gather feedback (through questionnaire forms, interviews, impressions, etc.) and evaluate the efficiency of the project products.

A Toy for Each Child

On the 6th of January (the day of the “Three Wise Men”) a public event organised by the Intercultural Platform for the migrant communities took place in Valencia, a campaign with the slogan “A TOY FOR EACH CHILD”. 112 people (parents with children and migrant associations) participated in the event. EURORESO also attended the meeting disseminating the WELCOMM project, with notebooks and colored markers for children.

Presentation of the project in Lancaster, UK

Presentation Lancaster
WelComm project was presented during the kick-off meeting of the project ‘WorKit: Job Language Kit for Migrants’ that took place in Lancaster on 3-4 December 2015.
Partners from 6 European countries got acquainted with the ideas of WelComm project and the Multimedia Kit for migrant children which was currently being developed.

Third partner meeting – Larnaca, Cyprus, 28-29 May 2015

Meeting Larnaka
The third partner meeting took place on 28-29 May 2015 in Larnaca, Cyprus. The partners discussed the concept for language learning materials, agreed on the language content of the WelComm products and the design, visual and technical requirements for the animated films, language games and comic books. The next 8 months are going to be dedicated to the development of the Multimedia Learning Kit for Migrant Children in partner languages and testing by associated partners.

Second partner meeting – Siena, Italy, 5-6 February 2015

The second partner meeting took place in Siena, Italy on 5-6 February 2015. The partners discussed the results of the performed needs analyses and the selection of good practices and laid grounds for the development of the methodological framework of the WelComm products. The didactic approach was presented and it will be taken as a basis for the development of the concept for the language learning materials.